Monday, September 25, 2017

Week of 9/25 - 9/29

This week we in Spalding we will add 26 new words to our Spalding notebooks!  We will have a spelling and phonogram test on Friday, September 29.

In math we are adding and subtracting 4 digit numbers with regrouping.  We will have a quiz on Friday.

In Grammar this week we will begin our study of adjectives.   In Language Arts we will be memorizing the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. Please help your student memorize each night. Students will recite in class on Friday.

We will continue reading Aladdin and Other Tales from the Arabian Nights in literature. We have had some wonderful class discussions about these tales so far!

This week we will be studying Astronomy in Science and look forward to experiments in gravity and the Earth's rotation.  We will also begin studying the Roman in our new History unit.

A Look Ahead:

September 29: Half Day. Noon dismissal, no lunch served.
October 6: End of Quarter One

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Week of 9/18-9/22

This week we in Spalding we will add 31 new words to our Spalding notebooks!  Spalding is the one area of homework each night that always requires help from a parent. Please dictate the entire list of words to your scholar three times. Students will write the words with markings and rules. Please review and correct any mistakes. Spalding work must always be written in cursive.  This practice is integral to learning the spelling words and helping to ingrain the rules and phonograms that have been learned in class. We will have a spelling and phonogram test on Friday, September 22.

In math are solving one and two step word problems while also working on mental math and addition of 4 digit numbers.  We will have a quiz over word problems on Wednesday.

Grammar this week will introduce diagramming simple sentences. We will have a quiz on Friday.  In writing, we will continue to formulate summaries. We are writing 4-6 sentence paragraphs with an emphasis on main events and details. We will have a comprehension quiz on this weeks' selection of "Ali Baba and the Forty Theives" on Friday.

This week we will begin reading Aladdin and Other Tales from the Arabian Nights in literature. We look forward to some great discussions of virtues demonstrated in these stories.

In history this week we continue our study of the rivers of the world. Last week we learned major rivers in Africa, Australia, and Europe. Please review the location and facts learned about these rivers for a quiz on Tuesday. We will then continue learning the rivers in Asia, North America, and South America.

A Look Ahead:

September 21: Spalding night at ACTE
September 22: Spirit Day
September 29: Half Day. Noon dismissal, no lunch served.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Week of 9/11 - 9/15

This week we in Spalding will add 30 new words to our Spalding notebooks!  Spalding homework should be done with your scholar each night.  Spalding words should always be dictated for your student to write and never simply copied.  Spalding work must always be written in cursive.  We will have a spelling and phonogram test on Friday, September 15.

In math are using bar models to solve addition and subtraction equations.  We will have a quiz on Wednesday.

Grammar this week introduce Action verbs.  In writing we will continue to formulate summaries focusing on plot, character, setting, and main events.  We will have a comprehension quiz on this weeks' selection of Homer Price on Friday.

We will conclude Trumpet of the Swan this week.  We have enjoyed reading this book in class and I hope you have enjoyed it at home as well.  Our next literature book will be Aladdin which is a classroom set of books.

In history this week we are beginning our study of the rivers of the world. Each night for homework your scholar should be writing a 2-3 sentence summary of what was learned in class that day.

A Look Ahead:

September 15: Flag Pole dedication 6:00
September 21: Spalding night at ACTE
September 22: Spirit Day

Monday, September 4, 2017

Week of 9/4 - 9/8

Girl with Watering Can by Renoir 

This week we in Spalding will add 21 new words to our Spalding notebooks!  Spalding homework should be done with your scholar each night.  Spalding words should always be dictated for your student to write and never simply copied.  Spalding work must always be written in cursive.  We will have a spelling and phonogram test on Friday, September 8.

In math we will continue our unit on mental math strategies for addition and subtraction. We will have a quiz on Wednesday

Grammar this week will conclude our study of nouns and pronouns, We will have a grammar quiz on Thursday, September 7.  In writing we will continue to formulate summaries focusing on plot, character, setting, and main events.

We will nearing the end of Trumpet of the Swan.  We will read four more chapters this week and have a quiz on Friday.  Tuesday the scholars will bring home a study guide.  Please help them review it each night.  We will be we will be filling in more information as each chapter is read this week.

In science we are continuing our overview of the branches of science. There will be a quiz on Friday, September 8.

A brief word about homework:
Homework is an integral part of the education at Archway Trivium East. Each night you can expect your scholar to have Spalding, reading, math, and history or science homework. Completion of homework is immensely important to both the mastery of learning and your student's grade. The estimated time required in 3rd grade for homework each night is 60-75 minutes for the average scholar. Some will finish a little quicker and some will require a little more time. In third grade we are working on fostering independence and academic diligence for the rigors of fourth grade and beyond. If you have any questions about assigned homework please feel free to reach out to me by email.

A Look Ahead:
September 8: Picture Day
September 15: Flag Pole dedication.  More details to come.
September 21: Spalding night at ACTE