Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Week of March 26-30

Welcome to a new week full of learning in 3B!

We will not have any Spalding words this week.  We will be using this time in class for extra writing time in preparation for the AZ Merit tests.

In math this week we continue our study of mass using kilograms and grams.

Language arts is focused on writing.  We are writing a persuasive essay this week.  Our focus is on stating an opinion and supporting that opinion through details from the provided text.

In literature we continue reading the story of  Pinocchio.  We have had many wonderful discussion in class about the characters of Pinocchio and Geppetto and have considered how their actions are a reflection of the soul.

This week completed our study of Viking.  Next week we will turn to science and being our unit on ecosystems.

A look ahead:
March 29: Field trip to The Pioneer Village.  Please send a disposable sack lunch.  I encourage students to come to school with a sunscreen already applied.  This field trip will be outside the majority of the day.
March 30: No School, R&R weekend
April 6: Field Day
April 9: AZ Merit testing begins.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Week of March 19 - 23

Welcome to a new week full of learning in 3B!

This week in Spalding we will continue to add words to our Spalding Notebooks. We will be adding 20 words and reviewing 10 previously learned words.  We will have a Spalding and phonogram test on Friday.

In math this week we will begin our unit on Mass and Weight. We will have a quiz on Friday.

Language arts this week includes reading and narrating (both orally and in writing) a selection from about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. We will also learn how to diagram a question.

In literature we have begun or final book of the year, Pinocchio.  If you have not sent this book to school yet, please do so as soon as possible.  Because there are several translations of Pinocchio, please be sure to purchase this edition: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1463714416/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

This week we turn to history and continue learning about the Vikings.

A look ahead:
March 29: Field trip to The Pioneer Village.  Permission forms due Friday!
March 30: No School, R&R weekend