Monday, December 18, 2017

Week of December 18- December 22

Though this week is short, much learning is still taking place inside or classroom!  We are very excited for winter break, but are striving for diligence and integrity through the very end.

This week in Spalding we will add 20 new words to our Spalding notebooks!  We will have a spelling and phonogram test on Wednesday, December 20.

In math this week we will complete our math unit on Multiplication and Division.  We will have a Test on Wednesday. 

Language arts this week includes a seminar discussion on The Little Prince as well as a special poetry lesson taught by Mrs. Arbogast.

This week dismissal is at 12:00 each day and lunch is not served at school.  Scholars must be picked up by 12:30.

We have no school for Winter Break December 21 through January 7.

When we return to school on January 8 we are excited to begin project week and will be studying the human skeletal system.  Be looking for more information to come about that when we return from break.

Thank you for your continued commitment to excellence and dedication to our school!