Sunday, October 22, 2017

Week of October 23-27

Welcome to the second week of our second quarter of school! It's hard to believe that the year is already on quarter past! Our class has grown academically and as a community. Each day the scholars come together, learn together, play together, and grow together as a united community.

Thank you to each of you for taking time from your busy lives last week to come to conferences.  I enjoyed meeting with each of you and getting to know each of you a little bit better as we join together in teaching your amazing children.

As we look ahead to this week in Spalding we will add 29 new words to our Spalding notebooks!  We will have a spelling and phonogram test on Friday, October 27. New this quarter the scholars will also receive a handwriting grade on each Spalding test. Only the phonogram section of the test will be graded for handwriting. Please continue to encourage your student to practice beautiful and careful letter formations as we continue to seek all that is true, good, and beautiful in our daily learning.

In math we will continue with leaning multiplication facts and also begin division this week. Please continue to spend 10 minutes each night practicing the multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10. We will have a math test on Friday.

Language arts this week will center around our reading of the second selection of "Mr. Revere and I." Through this text we will practice reading fluency, comprehension, summarization, and descriptive writing skills! In Grammar this week we will continue out study of adjectives and sentence diagramming.

We will finish reading Aladdin and Other Tales from the Arabian Nights in literature this week. The scholars have enjoyed reading of Aladdin and Princess Badr-al-Budur and are anxious to hear the ending of the story!  We will also begin our next literature book, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe this week.  Please send this book to school with your scholar by Thursday.

In history we will return to our study of Ancient Rome.  We have hand many wonderful class discussions about this rich time in history and look forward to many more this week.

Finally, Astronomy is the topic of our Science lessons this week.  We will continue to wonder about the amazing world around us as we learn about our solar system.

A Look Ahead:

October 26: Parent Singapore Night from 6:00-7:00.  This is a wonderful opportunity to come learn more about our Singapore mathematics instruction.
November 3: Half Day

Monday, October 2, 2017

Week of 10/2 - 10/6

This week we in Spalding we will add 20 new words to our Spalding notebooks!  We will have a spelling and phonogram test on Thursday, October 5.

We will continue subtraction with regrouping and two step word problems in math. Please encourage your scholars to draw a bar model, write an equation, and end with a sentence for every question in a story problem  We will have a unit test on Thursday.

In Grammar this week we will continue out study of adjectives. There will be an adjective and diagramming quiz on Thursday.   In Language Arts we read the second part of "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves." With this we will write a 4-6 sentence summary.

We will continue reading Aladdin and Other Tales from the Arabian Nights in literature. We have had some wonderful class discussions about these tales so far!

We will also continuing our study of Rome in history this week.  We are excited to delve further into this rich time in history and look forward to some wonderful class discussions.

If you have not done so, please sign up for parent conferences!  This is a terrific opportunity to discuss your goal for your scholar and for me to share more personally how they have grown this first quarter. Sign Up Here!

A Look Ahead:

October 6: End of Quarter One - No School
October 9-13: Fall Break
October 16-20: Half Days all week for parent conferences.  No lunch will be served at school